Friday 9 April 2021

Please Don't Fry That Cheap Steak You Bought On Impulse.

















Please do not fry that cheap steak you bought on an impulse, it’s been in the fridge for a while and you’ve been wondering what to do about it.

I’m like you—I haven’t gotten around to filling the propane tank on the barbecue, at least not just yet.

We do have some ideas.

This is half of an inside round steak, 30 % reduced, (or perfectly aged), with bits of frozen red and yellow sweet pepper, black pepper, white pepper, paprika, chili powder, garlic powder, thyme and ginger. The roue is made from beer, lemon juice and Diane sauce.

I sort of cut that up on an oblique angle, for some reason best known to somebody somewhere, but not me.

We do not fry that, it's just going to toughen that up into shoe leather territory, we use a low heat and maybe even add some beer in there just to slow it down and because it's fun on some level. 

We cut up onion and the pepper, sprinkled in the spices and some lemon juice, and got that up to some kind of heat while we cut up half our steak, and we set the frozen green beans on to heat at the same time.

Our oven/range isn’t too good these days. Staff have changed a couple of burners a couple of times, but so far we are reluctant to ask for a new stove. That is part of apartment living on some level.

We're testing out the $3.49 frozen green beans from Food Basics and of course we made the carrot sticks and got the creamy coleslaw a couple of days ago--and yes, we have refreshed the cold water in that there tub.

(This is where he gets all the explosive power of an 85 year-old Japanese #millionaire, ladies and gentlemen. - ed.)

#fritz makes me do all the #prep -ed.

The whole process, shopping aside, took about forty minutes, and plated and sitting there on our coffee table, it looks all very well.

Now that it’s in my belly, I can honestly say that it was very good—what the hell to call it, exactly, whether pepper steak or steak and onions, or maybe just some kind of slow-cooked strip steak is a question that this writer is in no position to answer, although one has to admit the cold beer has been good so far…




A six-dollar steak, cut in half.


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